Project Background
- January 2014: 1st Tender Phase
- December 2014: Appointment of Association of Companies “Aktor Concessions S.A. – Helector S.A.” as Final Contractor
- June2015: Contract Signature - Start of 2-year construction
- June 2017: Construction completion - Start of 25-year operation
- May 2019: Helector S.A. acquired Aktor Concessions S.A. 's shre, now holding 100% of EPADYM S.M.S.A.
- June 2042: End of Contract
Contractual Framework
- It is the 1st Waste Management PPP in Greece
- Contracting Authority is DIADYMA S.A. - Regional S.W.M.A. in the Western Macedonia Region
- Contrator of the Investment is EPADYM S.M.S.A.